
欧美圈更文专用号 热爱古典风以及小甜饼 也会突然开车

ABO战士 真害怕会被请去喝茶

【德哈福华AM还有klaine是萌点 E神和小天使也萌萌哒 等待发糖】




等了一下午没见到有人扒Apocalypse的歌词 也许。。我太敏感嘿嘿嘿反正我是忍不住了😝


听完后只觉得 这首歌难道不是以盾冬三部曲为原型吗



You leapt from crumbling bridges watching cityscapes turn to dust

你从轰然倒塌的桥上跃起 回望处 都市光景如尘埃散落

(嗯 队1不仅桥要塌 整个房子都要塌了)

Filming helicopters crashing In the ocean from way above


(直升机不仅冲进海里 把人还给撞晕了)

Got the music in you baby Tell me why

亲爱的 你身中悠扬着乐音 告诉我何故如此

Got the music in you baby Tell me why

亲爱的 你身中悠扬着乐音 告诉我何故如此

You've been locked in here forever & you just can't say goodbye

你被永远拘禁于此 你不知该如何作别


Kisses on the foreheads Of the lovers wrapped in your arms

千吻落下 印在怀中爱人的前额

You've been hiding them In hollowed out pianos left in the dark

你曾一度将之藏匿于黑暗里 于钢琴的腹内


Got the music in you baby Tell me why

亲爱的 你身中悠扬着乐音 告诉我何故如此

Got the music in you baby Tell me why

亲爱的 你身中悠扬着乐音 告诉我何故如此

You've been locked in here forever & you just can't say goodbye

你被永远拘禁于此 你难以启唇作别

Your lips My lips Apocalypse

你的唇 我的唇 天启啊

Your lips My lips Apocalypse

你的唇 我的唇 天启啊

Go & sneak us through the rivers Flood is rising up on your knees

偷偷地来河边找我们吧 洪水漫过双膝


Oh please

噢 来吧

Come out & haunt me I know you want me Come out & haunt me

来困扰我吧 我知道这就是你想要的 来困扰我

Sharing all your secrets With each other since you were kids


(是的 你们“best friends since childhood”还有“were inseparable”)

Sleeping soundly with the locket That she gave you clutched in your fist

紧攥着她送你的盒式吊坠 你才能安然入眠

(说实话 这个盒式吊坠让我想到了装着佩吉照片的那个小怀表的还是指南针的东西)

Got the music in you baby Tell me why

亲爱的 你身中悠扬着乐音 告诉我何故如此

Got the music in you baby Tell me why

亲爱的 你身中悠扬着乐音 告诉我何故如此

You've been locked in here forever & you just can't say goodbye

你被永远拘禁于此 你无法说出“再见”二字


You've been locked in here forever & you just can't say goodbye

你被永远拘禁于此 你无法安心作别


When you're all alone I will reach for you

当你孤身一人 我会向你伸出手

When you're feeling low I will be there too

当你沮丧失落 我也会在你身旁

(这两句简直就是盾冬对彼此的承诺 被虐了一下下。。)


包大佬 你是不是对这首歌深有感触哈哈

我反正就只是说说而已 我什么也不知道 我也没当真

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